Already at the beginning of January 2023, COOX Capital GmbH received its first mandate for the issuance of a participation certificate for a Bio-LNG-project.

Bio-LNG gas plant; Photo: ©  / Goodphotos

„We are pleased to have received another mandate. In this case, it is a Bio-LNG-plant that is financed via a participation certificate.“

Henning Schmale, Co-Founder and Partner of COOX Capital GmbH

Bio-LNG-project: Regional and sustainable circular economy solely based on farm fertiliser

Bio-LNG will be produced from farm fertiliser produced exclusively within a radius of 20 km via a modern Biogas plant to be newly constructed. The bio-LNG will be marketed on site by the emitter. Placing Bio-LNG on the market, provides the legally guaranteed authorisation to sell so-called greenhouse gas quotas (GHG) via certificate trading until at least 2030. 

This specific circumstance explains the profitability.

Farm fertiliser

Farm fertiliser is a collective term for organic substances that are accrue when operating fattening farms. These include, for example, liquid manure, dung and straw.

Farm fertiliser contains nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are important for plant development. It can be applied directly to the fields or fermented in biogas plants. Biogas is produced from it.

In this project, only farm fertiliser is used to run the biogas plant. This is in contrast to many existing biogas plants, which are operated with renewable raw materials such as maize, wheat and grass cuttings.

Procurement security

Within a radius of about 20 km around the planned biogas plant are about 1,500 farms operating with pig, cattle and poultry breeding. The required biomass equals is about 12% of the available quantity.

LNG Tankstelle
LNG Station | Photo: biggi62 |

The advanced stage of project planning and the secured land are crucially necessary for the success of this project. Given that GHG quota are guaranteed for only six years, this project is one of the last to benefit thereof.

Bio-LNG-Project Summary

  • Legal regulation of GHG quota marketing until at least 2030.
  • Availability of land, repowering
  • Availability and expertise of planning services
  • Availability and expertise of execution services
  • Professional advice on GHG quotas
  • Decades of expertise in biogas plant operation
  • Top-class education in agricultural engineering
  • Generation solution, long-term operator concept
  • Favourable geographical location for raw material procurement
  • Excellent regional network in society, industry and politics

The Bio-LNG Project Contact

In our COOX team, Henning is our direct contact for our first mandate. He will be happy to answer any questions about this case.

Henning Schmale
Henning Schmale